Nationwide Body Image Coach Julia Oliver, RD

body positivity coach

Body positivity, body love, body kindness, body acceptance... all of these aspects of positive body image sound nice, and of course we want this for our friends, our family, and our kids, but it may feel conflicting or overwhelming to think about beginning this work for ourselves. If you find it difficult to appreciate and embrace your body for all that it is (and isn't), you are not alone. Our body image coaching services are designed to provide you with the support and guidance you need to move away from treating the body as a project move toward being in relationship with the body.

At Rooted Recovery, we believe that every individual deserves to break free from obsessing over how to manipulate or change their current body and begin the journey toward body liberation instead. We reject the systems in our culture that say only certain weight/shape/size bodies are healthy or worthy. Your body, just as it is, is worthy of respect, nurturing care, and the freedom to live life in the way you truly desire.

Whether you struggle with body image issues, disordered eating patterns, or simply want an alternative perspective on how to support your body, we are here to walk alongside you. Together, we can work toward a place where inhabiting your body is less of a battle, and is instead peaceful, purposeful, and maybe even loving.

Meet Julia Oliver | Virtual body image coach

While working with Julia, you will be met with empathy and compassion, and the journey you embark on together will unfold organically at a pace that honors your needs and capacity. Julia has seen individuals of all ages, from adolescents to older adults, experience the challenging reality of not feeling at home or at peace in their own body. She has made it a fundamental pillar of her work with individuals as they navigate back to a state of trusting their body to be a wise source of information and allowing it to be a safe entity for carrying them through world.

As an alternative to the pervasive messages from our culture that say 'your body needs to change for xyz reason', we believe at Rooted Recovery that your unique body is inherently good and has the power to hold you in the world just as it is (even if this looks different from other bodies). To reinforce this belief, Julia, and all members of the Rooted Recovery team, uphold care that aligns with the Health at Every Size (HAES)® movement. If you are searching for a virtual body image coach who cares about your story and is willing to walk through the weeds with you, we would love to hear from you.Reach out to us today!

Our approach to body image coaching

At Rooted Recovery, we take a holistic and client-centered approach to body image healing. We believe that reestablishing a state of embodiment and cultivating a healthy relationship with our body requires more than just self-care tips and surface-level solutions. As a part of the support we offer, we will introduce clients to the perspectives and resources offered by front-line advocates and experts such as Brianna Campos, Sonya Renee Taylor, Jessamyn Stanley, and Jessi Kneeland (just to name a few) who have all been hard at work overhauling the body positivity movement to be more inclusive and realistic. These amazing professionals have highlighted the need for body liberation, a place where bodies are not being forced into the mold created by the stigmatizing systems of oppression in our culture.

  • Central to our work together will be the practice of cultivating self-compassion. Building from this, we will explore how we can honor your current body and reflect on what your body has endured over time. Self-compassion involves treating yourself with the same kindness and understanding that you would offer to a loved-one. It is the cornerstone upon which a better body relationship can be built.

    Our sessions will prioritize helping you develop the essence of self-compassion, which will enable you to navigate this journey with greater resilience and grace.

  • Together, we will recognize the intricate, innate link between the mind and body to establish embodiment as a fundamental part of our work together.

    By reconnecting with and fully inhabiting the physical self, we can begin understanding the body as a part of our being that is equal to, and not lesser than, the mind. This process will involve tuning into the sensations, emotions, and physical signals of your body without judgement or expectation. Through this, we will shift from putting our focus on external pressures and societal standards to uplifting the internal experiences as innate wisdom.

    By becoming more attuned to our body's cues and needs, we can make informed, nurturing choices that can ultimately feel good in the body and challenge the thoughts and feelings that may be negatively influencing our perceptions and actions.

  • Our approach to nutrition counseling is rooted in supporting health and wellbeing, rather than selling another way to manipulate or control body appearance through what we eat. We believe that nourishing our bodies through thoughtful food choices, supportive eating patterns, joyful movement, and rest are acts of body-kindness, so our coaching will naturally encourage a more positive relationship with food and movement that is guilt and shame free.

    As we practice listening to body cues, honoring hunger and fullness, and enjoying food without rigid rules, we will integrate the principles of intuitive eating and base our work in the HAES movement.

  • As you bring in your lived experience, your battles, and all the feelings, you are committing to showing up authentically in this work. We commit to meeting you as the unique individual you are without expectation, judgement, or assumptions. Our sessions will flow at your pace and will serve your needs, goals, and challenges.

    We will work together to move through a personalized process that feels sustainable and realistic for promoting lasting change in your relationship with your body and how you care for it.

  • At Rooted Recovery, we are always learning how to be more inclusive by actively addressing and releasing internalized bias and eradicating stigma. We seek to celebrate inherent body diversity, and we reject the notion of an 'ideal body', 'picture of health', or beauty standard.

    Our clients are embracing their unique way of being in the world by learning the importance of rejecting societal pressures and not conforming to unrealistic standards. We believe this body-liberation can be accessible for all, and you deserve to experience this joy and freedom too.

    If you are reading this and you are questioning if this can be a reality for you, please know that every individual we have worked with has once thought the same thing.

    Your brain may feel stuck in a constant stream of negative body thoughts, perhaps being in your body is just so uncomfortable or even painful, or maybe you are holding on to the hope of trying to change your body 'one more time'... we welcome you to start this journey toward something different, toward more peace.

Services we offer

At Rooted Recovery, we offer comprehensive options around our body image coaching services, all designed to support individuals in their process toward a healthier and more positive relationship with their body. These services draw from our expertise in trauma-informed, weight-inclusive care and evidence-based practices, to serve our clients as they move toward body-liberation, deeper embodiment, and overall wellbeing.

Who our body image coaching services are for

At Rooted Recovery, our services are tailored to support a range of individuals with unique needs and specific challenges. We believe that everyone deserves to experience a positive relationship with their body and establish optimal well-being.

body image coaching
  • If you are in the midst of battling an eating disorder, our coaching services and nutrition counseling services are the right place for you. We understand how navigating the complex emotions and body image distress stemming from eating disorders such as anorexia, bulimia, binge eating, or orthorexia is a confusing, scary, and overwhelming process.

    We will work with you and the other members of your treatment team to restore physical health, challenge harmful beliefs, and reestablish a state of positive embodiment.

  • Whether you are experiencing chaotic eating patterns, emotional eating, or yo-yo dieting, you could benefit from additional support as you journey toward a healthier relationship with food, movement, and your body.

    We will take a closer look at the damaging beliefs behind your current experience, and we will give you the tools to break free from the rules and thought patterns that hold you back from experiencing food freedom and the ability to accept your current body.

  • Trauma can have a profound impact on how individuals perceive and experience their bodies. Our trauma-informed services are sensitive to the needs and limitations of those in the process of healing from traumatic experiences. We provide a gentle approach to body image coaching that can compliment the work you are doing with your therapist.

    We will collaborate with your therapist and other members of your treatment team to ensure you receive the comprehensive care that you deserve as you rebuild trust and a sense of safety in your body.

  • Body image issues often begin during adolescence, and early intervention is optimal for developing a wholesome relationship between mind and body long term. Our services to support body image work can be specifically tailored to teenagers and adolescents who may be struggling with body dissatisfaction, peer pressure, or the desire to conform to societal beauty ideals.

    We will empower our young clients with tools and strategies to navigate their challenges, advocate for their unique needs, cultivate self-esteem, and build resilience.

    In all of the work we do, we uphold our values of offering inclusive, empathetic care as we welcome individuals from all walks of life who are ready to embark on a journey toward self-acceptance and a healthier relationship with their bodies. We understand that each person's experience is unique, and our services are tailored to address the specific needs and concerns of every human who takes the time to meet with us.

FAQs about working with a body image coach

  • Negative thoughts and beliefs about one's body combined with a state of disembodiment (feeling disconnected from the body, as though it is a separate entity from one's sense of self) culminate into many of the body image issues individuals suffer from.

    How negative body image develops is complex and deeply personal. What can accumulate into something even as strong as body hatred varies from person to person and can be influenced by a multitude of factors. Unrealistic societal standards, media portrayal of idealized bodies, personal experiences with weight stigma, trauma, genetics, and individual temperament all have the potential to culminate into a ruptured relationship with one's body.

  • First of all, there is no quick fix to heal what is often years of battling the body that you are in. To feel confident or to feel comfortable in your body requires practicing (and practicing and practicing) self-compassion, challenging negative self-talk, and unlearning the harmful beliefs that led you to believe that your body is wrong or not good enough.

    Incorporating new perspectives like body neutrality, building a community that upholds similar values, engaging in embodiment practices like yoga, and diving deep with your therapist and body image coach are all supportive parts of the process.

  • A body image coach with extensive experience, (sometimes called a body confidence coach), holds space for individuals to explore and transform their relationship with their bodies. They offer guidance, provide emotional support, challenge negative beliefs, and cultivate embodiment practices, as clients build a relationship with their body that fluctuates on the spectrum of body acceptance, body neutrality, body kindness, and body love.

    At Rooted Recovery, our personalized coaching, yoga and meditation classes, community support groups, and nutrition counseling services were created to provide a well-rounded system of support for individuals seeking to live fully out of their 'here and now' body.

Working with a body image coach can help you reconnect to your true purpose.

How much brain space is thinking about your body taking up? What are you holding back from doing until you can lose weight or be in a smaller body? How much hope are you putting into the idea that things will be 'better' when you finally change your body? If this resonates with you, you are in good company, and we invite you to experiment with a new perspective. Your body is not a problem, but the culture that says only certain bodies are good enough is. What if we can stop the generational cycle of fighting the bodies that we are in? Our bodies are the vessel for our souls as we move through this world, and at Rooted Recovery, we believe there is no right or wrong way for that to look or be. If you are curious about becoming your own best advocate, to reclaim the peace you deserve, to turn body image into body living, we would love to have a conversation with you.

body image coach